pISSN: 1229-0750

대동철학 (2002)

터키 문화에 있어서 샤머니즘의 영향

에르한 아타이

(주한 터키 이스탄불 문화원장.)

To most peopel, the term "Turk" denotes simply an inhabitant of Turkey. Few realize that as many as 60 percent of the world's Turks live outside the republic of Turkey. Turkic peoples, in fact, are one of the most widespread ethic groups on the world. By the 10th century Islam had become the predominat religion in Central Asia. However, although they adopted Islam, the Turks stubbornly preserved their own traditions, which was the remains of cultural exchanges with neighbourhood nations and effect of Shamanism mostly. In this paper you will wee some of the examples of cultural traditions which are mostly remains of Shamanism.

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