pISSN: 1229-0750

대동철학 (2002)

21세기 문명의 전환 : 아시아 공동체를 향하여


(부산대 교수, 정치학)

Now we stand on the Turning point of civilization. Western civilization produced many aspects of crisis ; The destruction of environment, pollution, radical change of weather, negligence of life etc. These crises are interfusing into political, economic, social, cultural, psychological area. Therefore, the west has arrived at the peak of civilization. The west is looking for the prescription of western crisis from Asia. The cycle of civilization moved from the west to the Asia. In this context we will build up The Union of Asia. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to present the stragetic conditions of constructing Asia Union. Firstly we must make the East Asian Union consisting of Korea, Japan and China before forming Asia Union. These states have common value of culture since historical age. The Asian value will be abe to overcome the weakness of western civilization, and then we will magnify it to the size of Asia Union. That is a alternative plan to diminish the crisis of western civilization. It is a turning point for us to amalgamate different civilization. We will make an effort to interact with different civilization. These efforts are essential to everlasting survival of mankind and environment.

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