pISSN: 1229-0750
대동철학 (2001)
21세기 역사 철학적 전망
2-3년마다 개정판을 내지 않으면 재고품 폐품으로 전락되고 있는 정보의 홍수 속에서 살고 있지만 누구도 미래에 대한 확실한 전망을 갖기 어렵다. 이러한 난점을 해결 하는데 헤겔식 역사철학의 일벌은 유효하다고 생각한다. 세계사는 위인들의 자서전이라고 그는 장담하였지만 오늘의 대중사회 익명사회를 이끌고 가는 사람은 소수 선택된 무대의 주인공 영웅의 분신 연예인 스포츠인 생명과학자 소수 정치인이 아닐까? 9.11 빈 라덴의 WTC 건물파괴로 5000 명이 죽어갔다. 그는 니이체가 예언한 미친사람(광인)의 소행이 아닐까? 순간 속에서 영원을 찾고 영원 속에서 순간을 찾는 니이체 허무주의 영원 회귀 사상의 신봉자는 역사무대 안팎으로 줄서 기다리고 있다. 결론적으로 미국문명과 로마문명의 유비추리를 통하여 유일 강대국으로 등장한 이문명의 폐단 자기중심적 자만심을 경계할 몇 가지 사항을 反자연 친화적 요소 프래그마틱한 종교적 요소로 나누어 살펴보았다.
Philosophical perspective for 21th century civilization
Philosophical perspective for 21th century civilization. It has begun with double-edged question because both of historian and philosopher are afraid of predicting what to happen next. The more hurriedly they are going to say, the more frequent they find themselves betroyed by all his own words. This is self-confession by G.W.F. Hegel who has masterminded world-view of history. Nearly every month or week, we have been exposed to all sorts of book. Even so, we find it more difficult how to stand up our position admist current of claim and counterclaim. E.H. Carr has advised to emphasize dialogue between past and future as an exit out of historical dilemma. Of course, we can divide time : past and future but it is very difficult to divide historical era from modern to contemporary era, especially when we are dealing with thought of Hegel who is trying to find permanent idea for history. After passage more than 200 years after death of any philosopher, we come to find remarkable change from notice of physical death to dying out of hackneyed sentence. We need then big operation to keep him alive or big sturburness to disregard shifting position within system.
We, however, doesn't face up such a dilemma. His disciple, Marx and Engels, both of whom had lived on German, can't walk away beyond border of their era, though they have influenced indirectly upon us, but abruptly decreased their power of circle after dropping down of red-flag from tower of kremlin palace Anelysis by Hegel for french revolution and class struggle has been very so keen that it can be recycled for now and here. His persuasion for mediation between national soverignty and bourgeoise class has classified to bear and produce the concept of civil society, basic conception for social philosophy. His theory for civil society by which he placed a state within state, is being reborn into European civil society(EU) and non-government organization. Main Key to open dark hall of 21th century is to make clarification for American civilization. Titanic thinker such as Hegel, Marx, Dewey, join in predicting American course to come. They are centered whether she is peaceful or not. It is in the Americans that the general validity of the demacratic-peace (by Doyle) theory stands or falls. Mere speculation without philosophical background might be as dangerous as we are looking into sun without spyed glasses. After break up Russia, America is superpower nation in terms of political, economic, and academic capacity. Compared it to Roman empire, we should remind of following diagnos by Augustine. There can't be any kingdom if excluded concept of justice. This was given by pirate to retort Alexander the Great. The latter accused the former of trampling the innocent ; The former self-explained : you trample all over the world by warship, you are named king of the world while 1 do ring-leader by sword. This is simple advice for whom should remind lest we commit again for Pax Americana as well as Pax Romana.