pISSN: 1229-0750

대동철학 (2015)

Achilles and the Tortoise ― Gadamer's Concept of Understanding

KIM Su Rasmussen

(Chonnam National Univ., Dept. of Philosophy, Professor)

이 논문은 가다머의 ‘이해’ 개념에 초점을 둔 것이다. 가다머는 『진리와 방법』(1960)에서 이해를 ‘지평의 융합’으로 규정한다. 이는 가다머의 철학적 입장을 한편으로 슐라이어마허로부터 딜타이까지의 해석학적 전통과, 다른 한편으로 환원적 과학주의와 명백하게 구별할 수 있게 해주는 핵심적 개념이다. 첫 번째와 두 번째 절은 『진리와 방법』에 나타난 이해 개념을 상세히 분석한다. 그러나 본 논문의 주된 주장은 『진리와 방법』의 출간 이후 이해에 관한 가다머의 개념화에 분리된 변화가 발생한다는 데 있다. 그러한 변화는 특히 『나는 누구이며 너는 누구인가?』(1973/1986)의 첼란의 시에 대한 응답에서 발생한다. 이것이 세 번째 절의 핵심 주제이며, 이는 『진리와 방법』의 이해 개념에 대한 앞 절의 분석을 기반하고 있다. 이 논문은 수정된 이해 개념이 연접(conjunctive)에서 이접적인(disjunctive) 형태로 전환된 것이라고 제안한다.

아킬레스와 거북이 : 가다머의 ‘이해’ 개념

KIM Su Rasmussen

This paper focuses on Gadamer's concept of understanding. In Wahrheit und Methode(1960), he defines understanding as a "fusion of horizons". This is a key concept, which clearly demarcates his philosophical position against other positions, including the older hermeneutic tradition from Schleiermacher to Dilthey on one hand and against reductive scientism on the other. In the first and the second part, the paper seeks to analyze in detail the concept of understanding in Wahrheit und Methode. The main argument of this paper, however, is that there occurs a discrete change in Gadamer's conceptualization of understanding after the publication of Wahrheit und Methode. This change occurs specifically in response to Celan's poetry in the book Wer bin Ich und Wer bist Du?(1973/1986). This is the main topic in the third section of this paper, which builds on the previous analysis of understanding in Wahrheit und Methode in order to analyze Gadamer's later revision. The revised notion of understanding, this paper suggests, marks a shift from a conjunctive to a disjunctive form of understanding. This paper focuses on Gadamer's concept of understanding. In Wahrheit und Methode(1960), he defines understanding as a "fusion of horizons". This is a key concept, which clearly demarcates his philosophical position against other positions, including the older hermeneutic tradition from Schleiermacher to Dilthey on one hand and against reductive scientism on the other. In the first and the second part, the paper seeks to analyze in detail the concept of understanding in Wahrheit und Methode. The main argument of this paper, however, is that there occurs a discrete change in Gadamer's conceptualization of understanding after the publication of Wahrheit und Methode. This change occurs specifically in response to Celan's poetry in the book Wer bin Ich und Wer bist Du?(1973/1986). This is the main topic in the third section of this paper, which builds on the previous analysis of understanding in Wahrheit und Methode in order to analyze Gadamer's later revision. The revised notion of understanding, this paper suggests, marks a shift from a conjunctive to a disjunctive form of understanding.

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